Writers Guild Monthly Meeting

July 8, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
Sharing writings and conference prep
August 12, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
Judging your own work.
Visitors Welcome
First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
2000 Dawn Hill Road, Siloam Springs, West entrance
Second Monday of the month at 5:30 P.M.
Monthly Writing Contests for Members:
Contest entries due by the last day of the previous month.
JULY CONTESTS (Due June 20 – 30)
POETRY: “Freedom” (Free verse; up to 32 lines)
PROSE: “A Family Cookout” (up to 750 words)
AUGUST CONTESTS (Submit between July 20 – 31)
POETRY: Any Topic (Any form; up to 32 lines)
PROSE: “Summer Camp” (up to 750 words)
YOUTH: “Summer Camp” (poetry up to 32 lines OR prose up to 750 words)(Submit Aug 1-15)
Siloam Springs Writers Guild Member’s Contest Entry Check Sheet:
Each Entry should: –– [Also, see below: “Poetry Entries,” and “Prose Entries.”]
1. include its title which should
a. be set off from “the body” with two empty lines. (From the top margin, use single space to third line below the title. In prose, change to double spacing for the body— third line below the title.)
b. be in regular font (Titles should NOT be all CAPs. Only the first letter of major words should be capitalized.)
2. be in 12 point Times New Roman regular font,
3. be prepared for 8½” x 11” pages,
4. have one inch page margins (top, bottom, left, right),
5. be submitted in English,
6. be void of coarse or obscene language,
7. be emailed, as an attachment (each entry in a separate email), to: sswgcontest@gmail.com
a. in “.doc” or “.docx” file format,
b. identified, on the email “Subject” line, with the month and category (e.g. “May prose” or “May poetry”),
c. in a single email of one attached file having both the entry and its cover sheet,
d. submitted by email between the 20th day and the last day of the preceding month of the assignment month.
8. The entry body, itself, should NOT include the author’s name, pagination, word art, decorative graphic, or other identifying or attracting elements.
9. As first or last page, include a “cover sheet” in the same file (document, attachment) as the entry with:
a. title of entry in regular 12pt-Times New Roman font, two inches from top
b. submitter’s name, and email address,
c. copy of the entry’s first two lines,
d. assignment month and category:
Submitted to the Siloam Springs Writers Guild
for entry in the Month, Year, Category contest.
Poetry Entries:
10. including titles, are to be left-aligned (one inch left margin), not center-aligned, and single-spaced – exceptions: spaces between stanzas, or if the shape of the poem is part of the poem’s meaning or definition.
(appropriate indentations are not excluded.)
11. have a maximum of 36 lines, unless otherwise specified in the assignment.
Prose Entries:
12. have title centered in regular font, located two inches below the top edge of its first page (one inch below the top margin),
13. have the “body” double-spaced,
14. have left-aligned paragraphs, with first line indentation of 0.5” (1/2 inch),
15. have one double-space and an indentation separating paragraphs (a single empty line).
16. have a maximum of 750 words, unless otherwise specified in the assignment.
For further information, contact siloamwriters@gmail.com.